Five Ways to Give the Perfect Corporate Christmas Gifts

Five Ways to Give the Perfect Corporate Christmas Gifts

The holidays can be an exciting time of year around any office. There are parties to plan, cubicles to decorate, and plenty of festivities to talk about.

However, for your employees, this time of year can also be pretty stressful. Amid all the celebrations, there are still deadlines to meet, clients to please, and goals to reach.

During this time of year, a meaningful gift can go a long way. Team members want to feel cherished and respected, and you can show them you care with a small token of appreciation.

Giving corporate Christmas gifts can be tricky, but today, we're sharing five important tips that can help you get it right.

Corporate Christmas Gifts

1. Make Your List Early

Don't wait until the week before Christmas to make your list and check it twice. As soon as you begin brainstorming your plan for corporate Christmas gifts, go ahead and write down a list of all your recipients.

Beside each name, make a note about their current work situation. Are they working in the office, just down the hall? Do they work from home?

Research shows that 58% of Americans have the ability to work from home at least one day a week. Even in a post-pandemic economy, companies are embracing flexible work models, and that might include your own organization.

If they're a remote or field employee, make sure you know where they will be when they get your gift. You may need to send the item to their personal home address. Gather this data as early as possible when you are planning out your ideas for corporate Christmas gifts so you aren't left scrambling at the last minute.

It's also a good idea to go ahead and order your gifts early, so you can make sure they arrive at their destination in time for the holidays. When you work with us, we make it easy. You can designate the specific time you want the gifts to ship out, so everything will be fresh and ready to enjoy.

2. Add a Personal Note

Few things do more to boost an employee's morale than an honest, authentic word of encouragement. In the hustle and bustle of daily work, managers and supervisors might not think to verbally express how much they appreciate their team members.

Whether you deliver your corporate Christmas gifts in person or have them shipped to a home address, remember to add a personalized note with it. It doesn't have to be too long, but taking the time to write out a kind sentiment can speak volumes.

If possible, think of a specific detail to mention. Did they recently deliver a great presentation? Did they help your sales team land a deal or spearhead an impressive marketing campaign?

A simple compliment shows how much you value their work, and can help motivate them now and in the future. It doesn't have to bee too long, but it should come from the heart.

Want to show your team how much you care? Our Toffee to Go Gift Giving Experts can work with you to personalize your packages so each one represents the sentiments you want to share.

Corporate Gift Ideas for Christmas

3. Keep Individual Requirements in Mind

When choosing the perfect corporate Christmas gifts for your employees, remember to keep their personal preferences and requirements in mind.

For instance, consider whether the corporate Christmas gifts are appropriate for their religion, health concerns, dietary requirements, or any other factor that could influence their ability to appreciate and enjoy it. For instance, if a gift basket contains dried meat, it wouldn't work for someone who's vegan.

After all, the goal of giving corporate Christmas gifts is to bring joy and encouragement to someone else. You want to make sure they can make full use of the item. You also want to be considerate and avoid any sentiments that might be offensive or off-putting to them.

4. Vet the Company

Planning to try a new company for this year's corporate Christmas gifts? If so, thoroughly vet them before ordering your items. The brand you choose to partner with should have a solid reputation and years of experience in the corporate gift industry.

If everything checks out but you're not sure what to expect, read online reviews and testimonials! This is a great way to learn what others are saying about the company so you can gauge how your own experience might go.

When you team up with Toffee to Go, you can always rest assured you're getting a high-quality product from a name you can trust. We've been sharing our family recipe for more than 20 years, and our testimonials speak for themselves.

Christmas Presents for the Office

5. Create a Fun Unboxing Experience

When someone receives corporate Christmas gifts, unwrapping them and diving into it is part of the fun! If the gift box is beautiful and well-designed, it enhances the entire experience.

Think about the kind of packaging that the company uses. If possible, look online to see pictures of what the gift will look like once it's all put together.

Does it look professionally assembled? Can you be confident that the items will be well-protected during shipping? If you have any questions about the process, reach out to the company to learn more about how they prepare and deliver their gifts.

We package and ship all of our small-batch, handmade toffee at our production facility in Florida. We take pride in our assembly, and it shows in the final product!

Corporate Christmas Gifts Made Easy

We know how busy the holidays can be. We also know this is the perfect time to show your employees how much you appreciate their efforts and respect their contributions to your company.

Corporate Christmas gifts don't have to be stressful. At Toffee to Go, we take care of all the logistics through our corporate gifting program. You'll have direct access to our Gift Giving Experts, who can walk you through all of your options, listen to what you need, and make sure everything gets where it's supposed to go.

Ready to get started? Request a quote today and let's connect.

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